AYON pipeline 2023.12.0& & server 1.0.0-rc.1

The time has finally come to proclaim AYON server ready for wide production use. We are entering into 1.0.0 territory for AYON server!

This release together with AYON 2023.12.0 pipeline bundle are safe to use in production. We will be working hard to continuously improve everything about it, but all of the main building blocks, data mode, API and backend can be considered stable.

All of the repositories and building blocks are thus moving our of Beta and are receiving Release Candidate tags. We won’t be staying in RC mode for long. The main reason is a few missing pieces for a more robust tooling around our Ynput Cloud, which is a new hosting and management service we’re launching for you.

Follow a guide for self deployment here https://ayon.ynput.io/docs/admin_server_installation
or get in touch about trying our private beta of Ynput cloud hosted instances.

The best way to get started with local installation is using AYON official docker image

AYON pipeline bundle 2023.12

The easiest way to see all the changes across the board is to have a look at OpenPype changelog.

Note that OpenPype is technically still also a standalone product, while acting as the main pipeline code repository for AYON. hence the changelogs apply to both AYON and OpenPype.

As of 3.18.0 OpenPype as a standalone product is however officially considered deprecated and will only receive updates that are fully compatible with AYON.

AYON server 1.0.0-rc1

  • Upload thumbnails directly to AYON web UI. One by one, or in bulk.

  • Settings variant dropdown menu in dev mode shows color-coded badges for production, staging and active development bundles

Full backend changelog







Full frontend changelog

20231208 Latest


  • Thumbnails: upload thumbnails from Browser, Editor and Dashboard by @Innders in #236
  • Services: Fix services context menu out of sync with selection by @Innders in #239



  • Shortcuts: New anatomy and bundles by @Innders in #231
  • Use REST endpoint instead of GraphQL to load entity detail by @martastain in #232
  • Editor: use first status as default on new entity by @Innders in #233
  • Editor: fix duplicate entities being added on keydown by @Innders in #235