USD Contribution Workflow - Nested Asset Structure

What I meant was - you can have multiple tasks under the folder. This way you can also assign different users to each task, track their status separately and for your use case - they’d also each have their own workfiles. Win-win.

Shouldn’t that solve it?

I think also this, may be better solved by using tasks instead of separate assets. But I’ll tag @milan and @murphy to see if they have remarks on your approach from a different POV.

But you could have e.g.

  • model_main (modeling task)
  • model_damaged (modeling task)
  • look_main (look task)
  • look_damaged (look task)

All under one folder asset/char_hero for example.

My next question was going to be about purpose contributions. :sweat_smile:

Let’s discuss it! But, can you create a separate topic for that?

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