Publishing plates within a task from hiero/resolve


I managed to create hiero workflow that work for me for compositing but dont get one thing: when i publish shot from hiero or resolve there is a review track selection and when i press it it bulishes in ayon but not in kitsu. I gues that in ayon we can publish review in shot instance but in kitsu we can only publish in tasks in shots so is there a way to tell publisher that i want review to be published inside compositing task?

As far as I know, you need to check the Collect Kitsu Family setting.

  • ayon+settings://kitsu/publish/CollectKitsuFamily/profiles

Instances that have kitsu in their families should be processed by IntegrateKitsuReview plugin.

Maybe is it a place to put rops from houdini? because standart not publishing to kitsu if code of an addon is not modified

I’m not sure I got your question.
But my answer above is related to AYON settings.

i believe this “collect kitsu family” will not work for publishing review from conform (hiero\resolve) because conform publishes in shot, not in task so it will not been published to kitsu. We need somehow to make publisher to pudlish plates to compositing task to make them apper in kitsu

Hey @timsergeeff have a look into your ExtractReview plugin settings if you are having taggs in output presets for kitsureview. ayon+settings://core/publish/ExtractReview/profiles

I have kitsu preview working for tasks but it will not publish review to kitsu through conform workflow because it published plates to shot not to tasks

No worries about the mix-up with your original post. You’re correct; as of now, there isn’t a feature to publish plates directly within a task.