How to publish textures to AYON

Here is a small hint when speaking of Photoshop and possible solution / workaround for ingesting textures sets…

It makes sense to tweak the PS addon settings for “Creators” like this (adding new variant which gets into the naming of published “Image” products (just nice touch)

Also possibly disabling “Create Flatten Image” could be preffered as we will be interested just in layers aka “Texture” variants resulting into each PS layer having product like “Image_Texture_[your_layer_name]” possibly resulting into following scenario:

Note the PS layers and its naming got propagated into Variants (need to be ON when creating publish instance in very first step of publishing images) like this:

And resulting publishes inside publish folder:


Also note, your representations depends on the PS addon settings in Ayon (mine also contains PSD file format…which is not implict and probably unnecessary atm)