is there any integration with pureref that people know of???
And basically i just want that if you open pureref it automatically saves it.
If i start pureref from powershell with this .\PureRef.exe -c 'save;D:\pr_001.pur' it saves the file.
But if i at t the arguments in ayon -c 'save;D:\pr_001.pur' it doesn’t work.
This is from the commandline in ayon launcher >>> [ Launching "PureRef/PureRef" with args (2): ['C:\\Program Files\\PureRef\\PureRef.exe', "-c 'save;D:\\pr_001.pur'"] ]
any idea why, and would it be possible to add a ayon path to that???
@robert You should be able to supply a list of arguments. Could you try making -c one argument and then the value for it the next argument?
Which I suppose might need to be -c and the next one save;D:\pr_001.pur. I think each entry will end up being its own argument to a subprocess.Popen(args) call.
any idea why, and would it be possible to add a ayon path to that???
Use what type of AYON path for the filepath? A workfile path? This might be non-trivial if it’s not defined as a workfile compatible host.
It might be worth it to create a separate PureRef topic to discuss more in-depth how one would want to use it in production - what you’d expect AYON to provide as ‘handles’ to build that?
And for now it would be simple as just create a workfile if you click the pureref icon, and open it if it’s there. (like prism does)
Publishing etc i can do through the launcher publisher, that shouldn’t be a problem.
But indeed maybe a separate topic on how to integrate pureref
for now really quick and dirty i copied your gif, saved it as a .pur scene and used a load as argument and hope for the best that artist name it correctly
I really need to dive into more scripting, but i have so many deadlines right now